In the Now

A few articles dealing with important topics.  These articles are really valuable when it comes to adding new Spanish vocabulary.

A photo from Univision of Carnival in Brazil.

This really is a great article. It's long and full of fairly useful words that aren't ran across regularly. Poco ejercicio y pasar mucho tiempo frente al televisor daña los espermas is an article from CNN en Español that talks about the affects that low rates of exercise have in concern to semen quality. Semen is actually a cognate and spelled the same way. I learned something new.

Here's a link to a news segment where a Puerto Rican senator discusses recent allegations of inappropriate conduct. Guess it happens regardless of what country.

How about instead of a single great article, I just give you a link to a great blog completely in spanish? Juan Jose Flores' blog covers a ton of different topics and is a land mine for finding native material and anecdotes. 


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